Created by A. Príncipe, MonstruoCity transforms negative newspaper clippings by combining cool patterns and cartoonish style drawings depicting a world inhabited by colorful creatures dealing with daily life in the best way their monster nature allows them to. Wether you feel identified with one of our lovable monsters or think they are a spot-on portrayal of common human behavior in your city, MonstruoCity is a reminder that sometimes people are way more scarier than the monsters we create in our heads. By purchasing MonstruoCity NFT you help bring back the MonstruoCity free art and scavenger hunt events where people will be able to find small MontruoCity art prints scattered all around their city. From 2015 to 2019, and with very limited resources, we dropped free arts in Italy, Puerto Rico, New York and Spain. Before putting the project on hold on 2020, because of Covid-19, we gave away near 100 free art prints. Help us put a smile in more people with these small acts of kindness from Puerto Rico with love.